Uncharted 2 Stats Card by JAKPRO.net - RESURGENTCAESER

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's not the size of the gamerscore that counts....it's how cool it looks



This is that story

I am going to try and not make a penis joke *snicker* every chance I get with this post. 
God help me.

During the past four or five days I had the most awesome  gamerscore ever. No it wasn't that big, long or hard (DAMN IT!).  no my gamerscore was bitchin

It was 17777  
  Do you even know how fucking uber that made me!!!!  I had women look at it and just faint in it's aura!!! I finally had game and purpose to the soul crushing monotony of existence called life! It a gamerscore worthy of Dante and the devil may cry series.

Now of course I resigned myself to never gain another achievement ever again .Like hell I'm getting 77777 the universe would destroy itself and then people would really know I have no right to live. So that just would mean I would have to play games that I knew I couldn't get anymore achievements in as a temporary fix. Till I could figure out some way of persevering my gamerscore.

Then I fucked that plan up royally when i played darts in my replay GTA4 partying with Roman.......I could  have sworn I already gotten that fucking little 10 point whore......but no, I didn't and it fucked up my beautiful GS. Now when the ladies look at it they laugh and walk away......and I die a little on the inside.

It 's hard being the opposite of a gamerscore whore.....they don't even have a name to call me, well besides loser.

Shout some names to classify the opposite of a pointwhore!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have a shout box because i like to belive that people care about me


However for what ever reason something ( it's either a demon possession or boredom)
has compelled me to actually implement a shoutbox on this blog. It's simple....it's a shout box so yell something already.....It's on the Right and down a little

little more

little more

bit more

awww yea

A new year...of the same old same old

 Before this Post starts up I have a couple of questions to ask you:

1. Do you have a ps2? (if you don't.........shit i didn't plan that far ahead)

Alright lets stop with the stupid question and answer session. I want you to go play Persona 4 
(or 3....hell if you have 2 I'll buy it off you).   Why play a ps2 game? cause it's one of the best installments of a great series that deserves every RPG gamers attention at least once.

How the hell is the human race supposed to evolve if all we do is play Final fantasy? However one really can't blame Sqaure Enix for making cash-in games like Dissidia when that's all you bastards want. 
Square tried the whole "innovation" thing with the world ends with you, sure the game had it's flaws...but at least I actually cared about the plot and finishing the damn game. That's more than I can say about FF12.

I'm ranting too much here, the heart of this post is quite simple. The video game industry is powered by consumer dollars. The consumer is, because of this in many ways the moderator of the industry. Lord of the rings must sell enough if it warrants EA to have pandemic make a Star Wars battlefront knockoff

I can only think of one game I want this winter (jan-feb) that isn't a sequel. (For those of you caring it's Damnation a third person wild-west steam punk shooter).

This is a call to arms because I played Valkyria Chronicles and really enjoyed it. Then I shed a tear on the inside when no one knew what i was talking about. More and more games are becoming to expenseive to make and experiment with. A developer can't have a game that doesn't sell well if they want to stay a float. I fear the days of the PS2 and the niche games that the system gave birth to have vanished in the face of a Studio System that values quick cash-ins  above most everything, including fun.

 The next time you are in your local game store give some thought to games you wouldn't normally play. Look around and on-line and expand your horizons...........Or you can just go fuck yourself and buy another shitty movie tie-in game or another halo map pack cause MASTER CHEIF IS THE xXxPWNAGExXx!!! and bungie loves releasing rehashed halo 2 maps.     (more power to ya if you really like halo that much...and i spelled master chief like that on purpose)