Uncharted 2 Stats Card by JAKPRO.net - RESURGENTCAESER

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves: I play it so you don't have to...even if you want to!

So a few weeks ago I tired to buy Uncharted 2 off a friend. He refused my offer even after I threw in a few bags of Reese's pieces but regardless I got the game at toy r' us when I bought it and the saboteur for half price.

I haven't beaten Le Saboteur yet, but I did 100% Uncharted 2

I also 100% uncharted 1 when it first came out also.

these games are fucking good, like really good

so why didn't I get uncharted 2 as a birthday gift back in October, because it did come out on my birthday and could have been my gift?

now the obvious answer is of course nobody buys me anything because i have no friends expect for the one who didn't sell me uncharted and even then he is a figment of my imagination and in reality is simply a stuffed elephant in a tu-tu that sits on my couch and watches me play through its hollow marble eyes.....

wait...oh yes why I didn't jump on uncharted 2's awesome dick right away....

because i didn't want to

BUT CAESAR! (voice in my head says to me) you did all that there was to do in the first uncharted! don't you pine for more treasure hunting with Nathan drake A.K.A Norlan mother fucking North?"

me: kinda

BUT CAESAR! you once again got 100% in what you yourself described as an awesome sequel! why do you not squeal like a little school girl the charms of this game and how any ps3 owner should own this game or they aren't HARDCORE!


BUT CAESAR! according to your new uncharted 2 multiplayer banner you've played the games online component a lot! how can you be so lukewarm to a game you have played so much?



me: SHUT UP VOICE!.........let me fucking speak

See Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a damn good game. It's not good however because it does anything at all new or interesting, in fact as a narrative its quite derivative of movies. (something Naughty Dog tried for)

The gameplay blends Gears of war and tomb raider together to make a hectic cover shooter with fun climbing mechanics and the online mulitplayer is similar to enjoying a Halo 3 match on the 360(SNIPER SHOTTY anybody?, yep uncharted has that).


It's fun as all hell but hard as hell to get hyped for, it's like going to see a movie on Saturday night you do it because it's there. I got 100% in the series because it was there, yes it was fun but I didn't connect to the world or characters or gameplay in any deep significant way like I have with past games.

Thats not to say that uncharted has bad characters, no in fact they are quite good. I just can't connect with them at all.
Uncharted is good because its safe and polished to an ungodly sheen. you have fun in the moment and enjoy the story but its been done elsewhere before. the game is a summer blockbuster reminiscent of Indiana Jones.

I relate Uncharted 2 to that kid you knew in college who was a business major. He always got straight A's and you would hang out with him on the weekends because he was there and could hold his liquor but you never got into any fun adventures that dealt with firecrackers or running from police with him...you just had fun. He was the safe bet and after college he got a six figured safe job and you forgot about him after that.

To play uncharted is fun...but Uncharted's major is Business

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hey I'm guessing you've never played a ds horror game before.......WHY THE FUCK NOT!

We need over 100,000 views and comments for this video to make a difference. You can help.

Send this video to your gaming friends. Ask them to leave comments in support of new original games for the DS.

Let's see if we can make a difference.

Yes I want to play as fucking Dracula

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

best fucking boxart

Fuck yea

I applaud gearbox/2k for creating a fucking good cover

Games called borderlands out for ps3/360 and PC

Love it

Friday, August 7, 2009

CTcon The aftermath i guess


So I went to CTcon and here is a quick list of things that happened

- Walked 5 miles to the convention

- jumped into the Bushnell park fountain

- "snuck" into the con

- drank beers with beer guy and redbulls after drinking the beers then more beers cause he is fucking beer guy

- worked for Shamus

- witnessed a guard cuss the CTcon staff out

- worked crowd control for XKCD

-had said crowd hate us for working crowd control

- saw XKCD and C&H drink vodka and tonics while doing their panel

- then saw them get chewed out because they were drinking

- had XKCD sign a bk cup

- "stalked" an Imari bible black cosplayer

- won a bet because SHE WAS Imari from bible black

-saw another bible black cosplay (they were a couple this time)

-saw shitty fan art for ten dollars

-bought good art for ten dollars

-worked the game room

-saw a furry parade

-killed a furry

-kept the furrries tail as a trophy

-trolled a second furry parade with my best "WARRIORS COME OUT AND PLAAAY" impression

-the furry parades stopped after that

-saw overpriced shit in the vendors room

-worked for grandpa Joe in the vendors rooms

-saw nocturne for like 40 bucks at a booth

-saw yakuza 3 at the same booth too

-meet the voice actor from gears of war

-played a gears tourney

-meet the VA for noel

-trolled a mock audition panel

-ran like a little bitch from said panel

-I disappeared for like an hour

-insulted a Yoko cosplayer


-meet Taokaka's boyfriends mom

-heard some shitty rave music

-ate some Sarku

- met a pirate

like a boss

Oh I hate people who cosplay as kingdom heart characters, those guys can die

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hello to all the kof fighters out there!

Hey guys the widget is below enjoy your stay and lets pretend to play kof

Monday, July 27, 2009

lets win an arcade machine!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooo

diddle my widget......wow even i can't believe i said that

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I have had my voice stolen by demons

Remember this picture....please
EDIT: The contest has ended!!!! congrats to sinffaxxx who one first place and diamusxxx who won second

and shame on superddawg for not be quicker with his answers!!!
Most of you who play with my on Xbox have noticed that I haven't spoken for two days. The reason for this is because I got drunk one night and lost my voice and dignity to a demon in a strip poker match. Now you guys get to reap the benefits!

It's quiet simple I'll ask questions to help me find the demon and regain my voice you answer correctly and you proceed to the next round. You could win an a fee month of xbox live or something else. Simply come up with the answer to the riddle by yourself and private msg me on live or some other avenue and you'll clear that challenge. all you xbox buddies have gotten the first question and intro. Those of you who forgot the questions can look here the answers to question 1 are due by Tue.


question 1: an easy intro

I need to find a good summoner to help me id the demon if A=26 and z=1 what's 9,26,18,23,12,6
full name?

question 2: test your language skillz

moshi moshi from Nippon! I can't seem to find raidou anywhere here. maybe if I file a missing person report with the Keishichō they could help. However I can't seem to find their emergency number.........

Question 3: Shit gets weird....er

I have Faith No More in finding Radiou. So I'm going to steal a voice! I need a real deep and powerful voice however something with gravita.
I know! find me the voice of Nathan "Rad" Spencer the Bionic commando, That is voice I could speak with!

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's not the size of the gamerscore that counts....it's how cool it looks



This is that story

I am going to try and not make a penis joke *snicker* every chance I get with this post. 
God help me.

During the past four or five days I had the most awesome  gamerscore ever. No it wasn't that big, long or hard (DAMN IT!).  no my gamerscore was bitchin

It was 17777  
  Do you even know how fucking uber that made me!!!!  I had women look at it and just faint in it's aura!!! I finally had game and purpose to the soul crushing monotony of existence called life! It a gamerscore worthy of Dante and the devil may cry series.

Now of course I resigned myself to never gain another achievement ever again .Like hell I'm getting 77777 the universe would destroy itself and then people would really know I have no right to live. So that just would mean I would have to play games that I knew I couldn't get anymore achievements in as a temporary fix. Till I could figure out some way of persevering my gamerscore.

Then I fucked that plan up royally when i played darts in my replay GTA4 partying with Roman.......I could  have sworn I already gotten that fucking little 10 point whore......but no, I didn't and it fucked up my beautiful GS. Now when the ladies look at it they laugh and walk away......and I die a little on the inside.

It 's hard being the opposite of a gamerscore whore.....they don't even have a name to call me, well besides loser.

Shout some names to classify the opposite of a pointwhore!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have a shout box because i like to belive that people care about me


However for what ever reason something ( it's either a demon possession or boredom)
has compelled me to actually implement a shoutbox on this blog. It's simple....it's a shout box so yell something already.....It's on the Right and down a little

little more

little more

bit more

awww yea

A new year...of the same old same old

 Before this Post starts up I have a couple of questions to ask you:

1. Do you have a ps2? (if you don't.........shit i didn't plan that far ahead)

Alright lets stop with the stupid question and answer session. I want you to go play Persona 4 
(or 3....hell if you have 2 I'll buy it off you).   Why play a ps2 game? cause it's one of the best installments of a great series that deserves every RPG gamers attention at least once.

How the hell is the human race supposed to evolve if all we do is play Final fantasy? However one really can't blame Sqaure Enix for making cash-in games like Dissidia when that's all you bastards want. 
Square tried the whole "innovation" thing with the world ends with you, sure the game had it's flaws...but at least I actually cared about the plot and finishing the damn game. That's more than I can say about FF12.

I'm ranting too much here, the heart of this post is quite simple. The video game industry is powered by consumer dollars. The consumer is, because of this in many ways the moderator of the industry. Lord of the rings must sell enough if it warrants EA to have pandemic make a Star Wars battlefront knockoff

I can only think of one game I want this winter (jan-feb) that isn't a sequel. (For those of you caring it's Damnation a third person wild-west steam punk shooter).

This is a call to arms because I played Valkyria Chronicles and really enjoyed it. Then I shed a tear on the inside when no one knew what i was talking about. More and more games are becoming to expenseive to make and experiment with. A developer can't have a game that doesn't sell well if they want to stay a float. I fear the days of the PS2 and the niche games that the system gave birth to have vanished in the face of a Studio System that values quick cash-ins  above most everything, including fun.

 The next time you are in your local game store give some thought to games you wouldn't normally play. Look around and on-line and expand your horizons...........Or you can just go fuck yourself and buy another shitty movie tie-in game or another halo map pack cause MASTER CHEIF IS THE xXxPWNAGExXx!!! and bungie loves releasing rehashed halo 2 maps.     (more power to ya if you really like halo that much...and i spelled master chief like that on purpose)