Uncharted 2 Stats Card by JAKPRO.net - RESURGENTCAESER

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves: I play it so you don't have to...even if you want to!

So a few weeks ago I tired to buy Uncharted 2 off a friend. He refused my offer even after I threw in a few bags of Reese's pieces but regardless I got the game at toy r' us when I bought it and the saboteur for half price.

I haven't beaten Le Saboteur yet, but I did 100% Uncharted 2

I also 100% uncharted 1 when it first came out also.

these games are fucking good, like really good

so why didn't I get uncharted 2 as a birthday gift back in October, because it did come out on my birthday and could have been my gift?

now the obvious answer is of course nobody buys me anything because i have no friends expect for the one who didn't sell me uncharted and even then he is a figment of my imagination and in reality is simply a stuffed elephant in a tu-tu that sits on my couch and watches me play through its hollow marble eyes.....

wait...oh yes why I didn't jump on uncharted 2's awesome dick right away....

because i didn't want to

BUT CAESAR! (voice in my head says to me) you did all that there was to do in the first uncharted! don't you pine for more treasure hunting with Nathan drake A.K.A Norlan mother fucking North?"

me: kinda

BUT CAESAR! you once again got 100% in what you yourself described as an awesome sequel! why do you not squeal like a little school girl the charms of this game and how any ps3 owner should own this game or they aren't HARDCORE!


BUT CAESAR! according to your new uncharted 2 multiplayer banner you've played the games online component a lot! how can you be so lukewarm to a game you have played so much?



me: SHUT UP VOICE!.........let me fucking speak

See Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a damn good game. It's not good however because it does anything at all new or interesting, in fact as a narrative its quite derivative of movies. (something Naughty Dog tried for)

The gameplay blends Gears of war and tomb raider together to make a hectic cover shooter with fun climbing mechanics and the online mulitplayer is similar to enjoying a Halo 3 match on the 360(SNIPER SHOTTY anybody?, yep uncharted has that).


It's fun as all hell but hard as hell to get hyped for, it's like going to see a movie on Saturday night you do it because it's there. I got 100% in the series because it was there, yes it was fun but I didn't connect to the world or characters or gameplay in any deep significant way like I have with past games.

Thats not to say that uncharted has bad characters, no in fact they are quite good. I just can't connect with them at all.
Uncharted is good because its safe and polished to an ungodly sheen. you have fun in the moment and enjoy the story but its been done elsewhere before. the game is a summer blockbuster reminiscent of Indiana Jones.

I relate Uncharted 2 to that kid you knew in college who was a business major. He always got straight A's and you would hang out with him on the weekends because he was there and could hold his liquor but you never got into any fun adventures that dealt with firecrackers or running from police with him...you just had fun. He was the safe bet and after college he got a six figured safe job and you forgot about him after that.

To play uncharted is fun...but Uncharted's major is Business

1 comment:

JMD said...

See, Uncharted's single-player is a total blast, though. It is exactly like a popcorn action movie, and that's what I like about it. It's the kind of game that, given the time, you could easily sit down and play through in one sitting, because you just want to see the next over-the-top set piece and event.

But yes, it does do nothing new. And I think sometimes that's okay, as long as the game uses old things VERY WELL.