Uncharted 2 Stats Card by JAKPRO.net - RESURGENTCAESER

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Microsoft made me do it!!!

I got bored so I bought one...a ps3. Unlike the one above (which I had NOTHING to do with throwing it out a window of my friends apartment building.) It works pretty good.
But why the hell didn't they give me a god damned headset? I mean I know my usb one will work (with everything but Ut3
Microsoft at least had the common decency to pretend to care about my game play experience with it's crappy POS (guess what the words are children!)wired headset...Oh well, I'm not going to write an in depth review of the system, what needs to be said about it has already been said 100 times before...I just want to play Lost odyssey ( kick ass tv spot) I will have a few PS3 write ups coming soon, so please don't take me off your feeds!! PLEASE!!!


Whispering Mute said...

Lost Odyssey looks like it kicks ass. I'd be wary of it first though. After Blue Dragon, I'm watching what I buy from them for it had a really boring story line and action.(wasn't a big fan of Dragon Quest 8) Still think final fantasy 7-9 are the best to grace the systems and Chrono Trigger. Love the song in the LO trailer. oh oh.. i know pos means!!!

Whispering Mute said...

I don't know how you lasted. I keep staring at my 360. All i see are those three red lights laughing me... I wake up from a dead sleep to see my 360 games dancing around me. Luaghing at me. I don't know man. Game over man. Game over!!!