Uncharted 2 Stats Card by JAKPRO.net - RESURGENTCAESER

Sunday, January 20, 2008


1st google choice

Turns out UNDERTOW will be the game X-box will be giving us (free!) for the whole "During the holiday break we left the intern to deal with the servers while we all went out and had a drunken sex party and 100,000 13 halo newbs went online with their core systems...we just kept telling him reboot every other minute" Incident.

For those of you gamers (suckers) who already went out and bought undertow call up Microsoft support and their creepy voice guy, they'll have a special package up for you.

Undertow's not the worst game to give us for free (I'm looking at you Barbie princess pony rancher!) but why couldn't x-box just give us the 800 points and have us choose what we want to pay, I don't know maybe customize our 360's game library? Hell, anyway at least we'll have something that every 360 can play and have in common...that and the red rings of death...fun times

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