Uncharted 2 Stats Card by JAKPRO.net - RESURGENTCAESER

Saturday, January 19, 2008

So I played the Turok Demo....

As Most of you all know by now, every (I MEAN EVERY) country besides America is ready, willing and able to download the Turok demo. Now that doesn't mean you can't get the demo in America, you just have to pay 5$ to preorder the full game and after your locked into that little 60$ purchase they give you a crappy stoner's hat and a try after you buy...great.

Unless of course you steal your copy from BestBuy. and under advisement from my attorney, I'm pleading the 5th.

Anyways the demo starts you off in some caves alone in the dark with another man... Now you and your manly man sidekick named SLADE voiced by the manly Ron Pearlman (he was Hellboy)have to find a way out of the caves (after you two cuddle) all while being chased by Raptors.

Now why there are raptors in small dank caves I don't know maybe they hide from all the other dinos because of self esteem issues, beats me. Of course you have the expected "I fell down the slippery hole on without me SLADE will meet up outside।" twist

Eventually you do get out of the caves and into a beautiful jungle which only goes one way...great. Yes you'll meet back up with SLADE, fight more raptors meet another lost manly man squad mate who was ripped from Gears of Wars ball sack, AND kill stupid guards in tall grass ETC.ETC.ETC.

the big plot spoiler is that Turok is the reason dinosaurs went extinct. I must have killed 60 of the bastards while I was supposed to follow SLADE (while he strangely followed me BAD A.I BAD don't pee on the carpet!!) so that he could show me the one single point to continue in the jungle. The demo for Turok feels last gen and boring there's only one path to take and if you cant find it fast enough a raptor chews your ass in half and pisses on the remains. then it a rinse and repeat with a checkpoint system that doesn't kick in after the really hard "OMG THERES A GIANT DINO TRYING TO EAT ME AND ALL I HAVE IS A CRAPPY BOW!!!" fight

Try and get a copy of the demo before committing to this game. It's got it's bright spots but it seems a little rough around the old edges

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